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Adding SEO to Your Pub Site Website

As you know, adding SEO to your author website is very important. If you don't know what SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is or why it's important, read about it in Search Engine Optimization: Basic SEO Tips Every Author Website Needs. Read more to learn about every place you can add SEO to your Pub Site author website to increase visibility and traffic. 
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Google Analytics / Sitemap Error Messages

Most messages you might receive from Google are normal and not necessarily an indication of a problem.
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Google Search Console Redirect

Identifying and fixing the page that is not indexed due to a redirect in Google Search Console can be done with a few steps. Here’s how you can do it:
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Search Engine Optimization: Basic SEO Tips Every Author Website Needs

Ok, so you were convinced that you must have an author website, you now have one, or will have one soon, and now people start mentioning SEO and how important it is. And maybe you start getting emails telling you how you are missing out on website traffic, that you must purchase their services. Then they mention the dreaded meta tags. The stress level rises. All you wanted to do was write a book.
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