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Google Analytics

Google Analytics / Sitemap Error Messages

Most messages you might receive from Google are normal and not necessarily an indication of a problem.
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Google Search Console and Sitemaps

Learn about the benefits of Google Search Console here and decide if it's something you would like to do. Check out this user guide to read about their best practices. If you want to register your website with Google and submit a sitemap, follow these instructions.
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Google Search Console Redirect

Identifying and fixing the page that is not indexed due to a redirect in Google Search Console can be done with a few steps. Here’s how you can do it:
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Pasting Embed Codes (Google and Mail)

There are many kinds of embed codes to paste into your website. The most common are mailing list pop-up codes and Google Analytics codes. Please see the instructions below to find where to paste them: 
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Pasting your Google Analytics Code

Please follow Google Analytics instructions to set up your analytics account. At the bottom of these instructions, you will see how to find the Google Tag. Once you have the code, you can paste it into your Pub Site website. 
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